Showing posts with label NET4.0. Show all posts
Showing posts with label NET4.0. Show all posts
Thursday, April 14, 2011

ExpandoObject class in C# 4.0

As you know till now in c# everything was static and known at design time. But with the C# 4.0 language Microsoft have enabled new dynamic data type which is belongs to Dynamic Language Runtime on top of CLR(Common language Runtime). As you know that dynamic object will know their behaviour at run time. Here Microsoft has given one new class called ExpandoObject class. ExpandoObject class is a member of System.Dynamic namespace and is defined in the System.Core assembly. This class object members can be dynamically added and removed at runtime. This is class is a sealed class and implements number of interfaces like below.

public sealed class ExpandoObject :
IDictionary<string, object>,
ICollection<KeyValuePair<string, object>>,
IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<string, object>>,

Now let’s take a simple example of console application. Where we will create a object of expandoobject class and manipulate that class at run time. Let’s create a simple code like below.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;

namespace ExpandoObject
class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        dynamic users = new System.Dynamic.ExpandoObject();
        users.UserName = "Jalpesh";
        users.Password = "Password";



Here in the above code I have added a new memeber called UserName and Password for the new dynamic user type and then print their value. Now let’s run the application and see its output as below


That’s it. You can add valid type of member to ExpandoOjbect class. Isn’t interesting.. Hope you liked it.. Stay tuned for more..

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Saturday, December 18, 2010

Microsoft silverlight 5.0 features for developers

Recently on Silverlight 5.0 firestarter event ScottGu has announced road map for Silverlight 5.0. There will be lots of features that will be there in silverlight 5.0 but here are few glimpses of Silverlight 5.0 Features.

Improved Data binding support and Better support for MVVM:

One of the greatest strength of Silverlight is its data binding. Microsoft is going to enhanced data binding by providing more ability to debug it. Developer will able to debug the binding expression and other stuff in Siverlight 5.0. Its also going to provide Ancestor Relative source binding which will allow property to bind with container control. MVVM pattern support will also be enhanced.

Performance and Speed Enhancement:

Now silverlight 5.0 will have support for 64bit browser support. So now you can use that silverlight application on 64 bit platform also. There is no need to take extra care for it.It will also have faster startup time and greater support for hardware acceleration. It will also provide end to end support for hard acceleration features of IE 9.

More support for Out Of Browser Application:

With Siverlight 4.0 Microsoft has announced new features called out of browser application and it has amazed lots of developer because now possibilities are unlimited with it. Now in silverlight 5.0 Out Of Browser application will have ability to Create Manage child windows just like windows forms or WPF Application. So you can fill power of desktop application with your out of browser application.

Testing Support with Visual Studio 2010:

Microsoft is going to add automated UI Testing support with Visual Studio 2010 with silverlight 5.0. So now we can test UI of Silverlight much faster.

Better Support for RIA Services:

RIA Services allows us to create N-tier application with silverlight via creating proxy classes on client and server both side. Now it will more features like complex type support, Custom type support for MVVM(Model View View Model) pattern.

WCF Enhancements:

There are lots of enhancement with WCF but key enhancement will WSTrust support.

Text and Printing Support:

Silverlight 5.0 will support vector base graphics. It will also support multicolumn text flow and linked text containers. It will full open type support,Postscript vector enhancement.

Improved Power Enhancement:

This will prevent screensaver from activating while you are watching videos on silverlight. Silverlight 5.0 is going add that smartness so it can determine while you are going to watch video and while you are not going watch videos.

Better support for graphics:

Silverlight 5.0 will provide in-depth support for 3D API. Now 3D rendering support is more enhancement in silverlight and 3D graphics can be rendered easily.

You can find more details on following links and also don’t forgot to view silverlight firestarter keynot video of scottgu.

Hope this will help you. Stay tuned!!!.

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Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Persisting row selection in data bound control like GridView,ListView

Some times we need show large amount of data like hundred of rows but its very difficult to show that in a single web page so we are using the paging mechanism of inbuilt data bound control of .NET Framework like GridView and ListView. But in paging of data bound control its very hard to remember the row selection like suppose you have selected a row in page 1 and then you goto the page2 and return back to page1 the selected row will not be there. So to do that thing you have right custom coding for that. In Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0 there is one property called EnablePersistedSelection which will automatically do that task. It will first introduced on dynamic data support in .NET Framework 3.5 sp1 but its bye default supported by default in .NET Framework 4.0 it self. In earlier version of .net framework the selection was based on row index now its will be based data key for data bound controls. Here is the code for that.

<asp:GridView id="PersitantGridView" runat="server" EnablePersistedSelection="true">
Its based on datakey so now you go to page1 and selected third row and then go to the page 2 and selected second row and now you again go to first page and you will have third row selected. That’s it.. Hope this will help you..

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Saturday, June 19, 2010

Zip operator in Linq with .NET 4.0

Microsoft .NET framework 4.0 is having many features that make developers life very easy. Its also provides some enhancement to Linq also. I just found a great operator called Zip which merge the sequence of two entities.

Here is the explanation of Zip Operator from MSDN.

“The method merges each element of the first sequence with an element that has the same index in the second sequence. If the sequences do not have the same number of elements, the method merges sequences until it reaches the end of one of them”.

Here is the simple console application for the zip. I have taken three arrays for that one is string array, second one is integer array which is having same length as string array and third one is also integer array but having different length then string array. Here is the sample code for that.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;

namespace ConsoleApplication1
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
string[] a = { "a", "b", "c", "d" };
int[] num = { 1, 2, 3, 4 };
int[] numdiff = { 1, 2, 3, };

Console.WriteLine("Zip Exmpale with same length");
var ZipResult = a.Zip(num,(ae, ne)=>ae + ", " + ne.ToString());
foreach (string s in ZipResult)

Console.WriteLine(@"\n\n\nZip Exmpale with diffrent length");
ZipResult = a.Zip(numdiff,(ae, ne)=>ae + ", " + ne.ToString());
foreach (string s in ZipResult)


Here is the output of following code as expected.Linq Zip Operator in .NET 4.0

Hope this will help you.

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Saturday, June 12, 2010

ASP.NET4.0-Compatibility Settings for rendering controls

With 4.0 Microsoft has taken a great step for rendering controls. Now it will have more cleaner html there are lots of enhancement for rendering html controls in 4.0 now all controls like Menu, List View and other controls renders more cleaner html. But recently i have faced strange problem in rendering controls I have my site in 3.5 and i want to convert it in 4.0. I have applied my style as per 3.5 rendering and some of items are obsolete in 4.0. Modifying style sheet was a tedious job here 4.0 compatibility setting comes into help. 4.0 compatibility settings provides full backward compatibility in terms of the rendering controls. You can assign this in your web.config section like following.

<pages controlRenderingCompatibilityVersion="3.5|4.0"/>
Here the values of controlRenderingCompatibility is a string which will indicate on which way control should render in browser if you provide 4.0 then it will controls with more cleaner html and while if you want to go with old legacy rendering like 3.5 then you can put 3.5 and it will render same way as you are doing in 3.5.

Hope this help you!!!

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Friday, May 21, 2010

Two new profile in new visual studio 2010.

Visual studio 2010 is a great tool and i have become fan of visual studio 2010. I have found two new code profile in visual studio 2010.

  1. Web Development Profile
  2. Web Development Code Optimized Profile.


Web Development profile will hide the top bar which contains the client object and and event dropdowns. So it will have more spaces.


Another one web development code optimized which will hide all the things except main windows. It will hide Toolbox,CSS properties and all other things so you will have more spaces to play with your html.

Windows Code Optimized

So as a web developer you can use this two great new profile as per your convenience when you only want to play with your html then use webdevelopement code optimized profile and another interesting thing is that you don’t have to reset your settings you can also just do with Tools->Settings menu like below. This will swap different profile like below.


Hope this will help you..

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Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Visual Studio 2010 New Feature-Generate From usage.

Visual Studio 2010 is Great IDE and I am exploring everyday a new things. Recently I was working with it and I have found a great features called Generate from usage. This feature is allow us to create a class from the generation from usage. Let’s take a sample example for that. Let’s Create a simple example where we will use a product class which is not there in project. Then from generate from usage feature we will create a product class. Here is code where product class does not exist in my console application project.

namespace ConsoleApplication1
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
Product objProduct = new Product();
Now lets create a new class from this new feature like following. Goto Product class line right click and then click generate->Class as shown in image below.GenerateClass

That’s is it will create a new class there in your solution like this.


So with this feature you will create as per you usage in class. Hope this will help you.Happy programming..

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Tuesday, April 6, 2010

ASP.NET 4.0 –List View Control Enhancement

With 3.5 we are having a great control called list view its provide almost all the functionality like grid view and its rendering is also easy but in 3.5 you need to specify a layout template where in 4.0 layout template is not required. So no need to include one extra placeholder as layout template. Like in 3.5 you nee do render formview control like following.

<asp:ListView ID="myListView" runat="server">
<asp:PlaceHolder ID="LayoutPlaceHolder" runat="server"></asp:PlaceHolder>
<% Eval("myDataBaseColumn")%>
This can be replaced by following in 4.0. Now no need to for layout template like following.
<asp:ListView ID="myListView" runat="server">
<% Eval("myDataBaseColumn")%>
Hope this will help you..Happy coding..

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