Again Marketing Team of Packt Publication (Jay Raval) has contacted me to review a book called “Reporting with Visual Studio and Crystal Reports” and I always have fun to review books so I said yes to them. This blog post is all about reviewing a book “Reporting with Visual Studio and Crystal...
Wednesday, April 30, 2014
Sunday, April 27, 2014
Enum support for views in ASP.NET MVC 5.1
Recently before some time Microsoft has announced release of ASP.NET MVC 5.1. It’s comes with tons of feature and Enum support is one of them. In the earlier release of ASP.NET MVC there was no direct support for the Enums and in the views but with ASP.NET MVC 5.1 Microsoft is providing directly @html.EnumDropDownList for which directly creates a dropdown from the Enum itself. So What we are...
Thursday, April 17, 2014
Test Driven Development is your friend
I have seen lots developers are not seeing benefits of Test Driven development. When you do Test Driven development there are lots of benefits. So I thought it will be good idea to write a blog post about it.
What is Test Driven Development:
As per wikipedia Test Driven Development is
Tuesday, April 15, 2014
Creating a WordPress blog on azure websites
In this post we are going to learn how we can create WordPress blog with Azure web sites.
What is Azure Web Sites?
Before some time Microsoft has released Azure web sites for South East Asia region. Windows Azure web sites offers secure and flexible deployment and scaling options for any kind of web application. You can use your existing tools to create and deploy applications to Azure Websites.
Friday, April 11, 2014
Visual Studio 2013 Cookbook review
The marketing team from Packt Publication has given opportunity to Review Visual Studio 2013 Cookbook. So, this post is all about reviewing Visual Studio 2013 Cookbook . It’s total 333 pages of long book with full converge of visual studio features.
About Authors:
This book is written...
Thursday, April 10, 2014
How to convert C# object into JSON string with JSON.NET
Before some time I have written a blog post – Converting a C# object into JSON string in that post one of reader Thomas Levesque commented that mostly people are using JSON.NET a popular high performance JSON for creating for .NET Created by James Newton- King. I agree with him if we are using .NET Framework 4.0 or higher version for earlier version still JavaScriptSerializer is good. So in this...
Dapper Micro ORM Series
Recently before some time I have created a blog post about list of blog post I have written about Petapoco Micro ORM. So one of the friend suggested I should write same kind of series post about Dapper Micro ORM so that reader of my blog can find the all the posts on same page. So that’s why I writing this blog post.
What is dapper:
Dapper is Micro ORM developed by Sam Saffron few years ago while...
Saturday, April 5, 2014
Converting a C# Object into JSON string
Some people might think why I am writing so much about basics but the things but in reality I got lot of questions through email and other communities about very basic things. So I thought instead of replying them into single thread. It is a good idea to write blog post about it and as a result...
ASP.NET Checkbox button Attributes in JavaScript.
This is a follow up post I have just written before some time- Getting tooltip of ASP.NET Radio button in java script. In that post I have explained that to render all properties properly in ASP.NET renders checkbox and radio button surrounded by Span tag. So one of the friend message me on facebook...
Getting tooltip of ASP.NET Radio button in java script.
This post in regards to a question that I have answered on stack overflow. Getting Tool tip of the Radio button in JavaScript. Where user asks why he is not able to get tooltip with document.GetElementById and Client Id of ASP.NET Radio button control like following.
Overriding/set default button in master page in
Some time ago I have written a blog post about Default focus and default button in ASP.NET. In that post I have explained how we can set default button for form. Recently I got email related to that post asking that how we can set or override default button on a page with master page.
In this...