This is a guest post from Jenny Richards. Jenny Richard is a content maker for which is one of the leading companies in the country which provides remote DBA support Services. You can find more about her at following social profiles.
Sunday, October 18, 2015
Three way to activate state in UI-Router Angular.js
Before some time I have written a blog post about routing - Routing with UI-Router and Angular.js I have got few questions from my reader in email. One of question is to how we can activate state of UI-Router as UI-Router works with state instead of URLs. In this blog post we are going to explain, different ways to activate state in UI-Router.
There are three ways of activating state in UI-Router.
Friday, October 9, 2015
Best way to do code review with GIT
Recently we had a discussion when you should do a code review when using GIT. As a general rule you should do code review often.There are two ways to do code review with GIT.
1) Classic way:
We all know that GIT is known for it's feature branch features. So each developer working on some feature should have created feature set. That features branch is accessible to all the peers working...
Thursday, October 8, 2015
Arguments in View Component : ASP.NET MVC 6
Recently before sometime, I have written a blog post about What's new in View Component : ASP.NET MVC 6. I have got lots of page view for that blog post and I am thank full to my readers for that. I got email from one of the readers that how we can pass arguments in View Component or how...
Tuesday, October 6, 2015
What's new in View Component : ASP.NET MVC 6
There are lots of new features added with ASP.NET MVC 6 and View components is one of them. In this blog post we are going to learn about View Component in ASP.NET MVC 6 in detail.
What is View Components and how it is different from partial views:
As per ASP.NET official web site
New to...
Saturday, October 3, 2015
Routing with UI-Router and Angular.js
In Today's world, Angular.js is one of best JavaScript framework available to create Single page applications. It's provides some great features and with the help of this features we can built great interactive apps. In any single page application routing is very important as in most of the time single...
Friday, October 2, 2015
Convert C# Object into JSON and vice versa using Jil
I have also written couple of posts about converting C# object into JSON and vice versa. Following is a list of post for the same.
Converting a C# Object into JSON string
How to convert C# object into JSON string with JSON.NET
In this blog post we will learn about how we can convert C# object into...
A Better Solution to create PDF with Rotativa and ASP.NET MVC
In most of the line of business application we need some kind of reports. Now days we need those reports as PDF format as it is the most convenient way of storing documents. I have written a post about creating a PDF in ASP.NET MVC with Razor PDF and it is one of the top visited page on my blog.
My Interview on Geek.Fest - What's new in C# 6
I have been featured on Geek.Fest a you channel by Fanie Reynders. I have lots of fun while talking about latest C# features. We had interesting discussion and demo of latest c# features. Following is a video on the you tube.
You can find blog from Fanie at following location.
Following is the sample code and demo for the discussion.