Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Why coding standards are important?

Yesterday, I had a discussion with friend about coding standard are important and why you need it?  So I thought it will be a good idea to write a blog post about it. Followings are some reasons why coding standard are so important.

  • Readability:  coding standard will increase overall code readability means if you follow you coding standard defined other people also know that what you have written. They don’t need to debug the code to know what function this code will perform.
  • Code Style: Every programmer have different style of writing code. So if we don’t have coding standard then Programmer ‘A’ can write variable in camel casing while other  will prefer to use Pascal case. So different modules have different coding styles.Which makes code hard to understand.
  • Code Reviews: Code review is an important part of any software development. If you don’t have a coding standard defined then it will take more time to do code review.
  • Error handling/Exception handling : The another benefits of coding standard is standardized way of handling errors. If you don’t have coding standard defined then each programmer will handle errors in unique way that could create a problem of identification of a bug  in software development .
  • Maintenance: Large enterprise software's will have  long life span. So if there is any enhancement or maintenance work is required with the help of coding standard any people can understand code easily and easily do the some changes.
That’s it. Hope you like it. Stay tune for more!


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