I am using Linq-To-Object in my current project to remove some extra loops and I have found one of the great keyword in Linq called ‘Let’. Let keyword provides facility to declare a temporary variable inside the Linq Query.We can assign the result of manipulation to temporary variable inside query and we can use that temporary variable to another manipulation.
Let’s take a simple example of Linq query I am using an integer array to find square and after finding the square of the integer value I will use let keyword to find square value which are greater then 20. Here is the my query for that.
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)Here is the result of that query as expected.
int[] intArray = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 };
var Result = from i in intArray
let square = i * i
where square>20
select square;
foreach (int i in Result)
Let keyword is more useful when you are working with directories and files,xml manipulations so here possibilities are unlimited. Hope this will help you.. Happy Programming!!!