Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Visual Studio 2010 New Feature-Generate From usage.

Visual Studio 2010 is Great IDE and I am exploring everyday a new things. Recently I was working with it and I have found a great features called Generate from usage. This feature is allow us to create a class from the generation from usage. Let’s take a sample example for that. Let’s Create a simple...
Monday, April 19, 2010

Playing with Update Panel in

While taking interview for I often asked questions regarding update panel and how they works and how we can asynchronous post back using update panel without post backing whole page. To my surprise most of people don’t know how to use update panel using triggers. Let’s create simple example...
Thursday, April 15, 2010

Better View State Management in ASP.NET 4.0

ASP.NET is a great platform to develop any web applications. From ASP.NET 1.1 we are having one feature called View State which store the data in hidden field during page post back. Any Serializable data can be stored in View State. It’s scope is limited to page post backs.View state is great if you...
Tuesday, April 6, 2010

ASP.NET 4.0 –List View Control Enhancement

With 3.5 we are having a great control called list view its provide almost all the functionality like grid view and its rendering is also easy but in 3.5 you need to specify a layout template where in 4.0 layout template is not required. So no need to include one extra placeholder...

ASP.NET 4.0-FormView Control Enhancement –RenderOuterTable Property

Form view control is part of standard control suite since 2.0. We are using it when we need to display one record at a time. ASP.NET 4.0 has made form view control more enhanced.Now its has a property called RenderOuterTable which will decide the whether outer table was render in form...
Sunday, April 4, 2010

How to call a web service from JavaScript with Ajax

Calling a web service from JavaScript was easy task earlier you need to create a proxy class for JavaScript and then you need to write lots of java script but with Microsoft ASP.NET Ajax you can call web services from JavaScript very easily with some line of JavaScript and even better you can also handle...

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