Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Visual Studio 2010 New Feature-Generate From usage.

Visual Studio 2010 is Great IDE and I am exploring everyday a new things. Recently I was working with it and I have found a great features called Generate from usage. This feature is allow us to create a class from the generation from usage. Let’s take a sample example for that. Let’s Create a simple example where we will use a product class which is not there in project. Then from generate from usage feature we will create a product class. Here is code where product class does not exist in my console application project.

namespace ConsoleApplication1
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
Product objProduct = new Product();
Now lets create a new class from this new feature like following. Goto Product class line right click and then click generate->Class as shown in image below.GenerateClass

That’s is it will create a new class there in your solution like this.


So with this feature you will create as per you usage in class. Hope this will help you.Happy programming..

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Monday, April 19, 2010

Playing with Update Panel in

While taking interview for I often asked questions regarding update panel and how they works and how we can asynchronous post back using update panel without post backing whole page. To my surprise most of people don’t know how to use update panel using triggers. Let’s create simple example to demonstrate use of trigger.

We will take one button and then we will use a textbox control and when button’s click event fires its will change textbox text value and fill textbox with that value. But lot’s people here believes that button should be inside update panel but that’s is not true you can use trigger of a update panel for any control outside update panel.

First let’s take look of server side code of button click. Following is a code for that.

protected void btnHelloWorld_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    txtHello.Text = "This is without postback";

here it will simple fill the textbox with string “This is without post back”. Now lets create trigger like following.

<asp:ScriptManager ID="myScriptManager" runat="server">
<asp:UpdatePanel ID="updTextbox" runat="server">
    <asp:TextBox ID="txtHello" runat="server"></asp:TextBox>
    <asp:AsyncPostBackTrigger ControlID="btnHelloWorld" EventName="Click" />
<asp:Button ID="btnHelloWorld" runat="server" Text="Submit" onclick="btnHelloWorld_Click"/>

It’s simple and you don’t need button insides the update panel. Hope this will help you.

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Thursday, April 15, 2010

Better View State Management in ASP.NET 4.0

ASP.NET is a great platform to develop any web applications. From ASP.NET 1.1 we are having one feature called View State which store the data in hidden field during page post back. Any Serializable data can be stored in View State. It’s scope is limited to page post backs.View state is great if you use it wisely otherwise it may create problem with performance page. I have seen that there were some page which contains lots of view state. It will increase your Kilo bytes of page and increase page rendering time.

In ASP.NET 4.0 we have more control over maintaining view state for page let’s see how we can manage View State more efficiently in 4.0. In the earlier version of we have View State optional that means we can turn View State view EnableViewState property. If we made it true then it will enabled other wise it will be disabled for that page. All controls that are derived from control class will have EnableViewstate property. Now in earlier version of ASP.NET this property will be ignored for the child controls. For example if you enabled this property for page and now you have three textboxes on page then that textbox’s value will be stored in View State regardless of textbox’s EnableViewState Property is true or not.

But with ASP.NET 4.0 things are different with respect to above scenario. Now we have one more property called ViewStateMode Property. This property help us greatly in managing View State. It has there values Enabled,Disabled,Inherit. With this property you can enable View State of control even if View State is disabled. So now we will have facility to turn off the View State of parent controls like page and then we can decide which control will have View State enabled.

In ASP.NET 4.0 ViewStateMode property will accept following values.

  • Enabled- This will enable View State for particular control and also for any child control which have ‘Inherit’ value for this property or nothing set for this property.
  • Disabled- This will disable View State for that particular control.
  • Inherit- This will specify that control will use the parent control ViewStateMode property.

Hope this will help you understanding View State Management in ASP.NET 4.0.

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Tuesday, April 6, 2010

ASP.NET 4.0 –List View Control Enhancement

With 3.5 we are having a great control called list view its provide almost all the functionality like grid view and its rendering is also easy but in 3.5 you need to specify a layout template where in 4.0 layout template is not required. So no need to include one extra placeholder as layout template. Like in 3.5 you nee do render formview control like following.

<asp:ListView ID="myListView" runat="server">
<asp:PlaceHolder ID="LayoutPlaceHolder" runat="server"></asp:PlaceHolder>
<% Eval("myDataBaseColumn")%>
This can be replaced by following in 4.0. Now no need to for layout template like following.
<asp:ListView ID="myListView" runat="server">
<% Eval("myDataBaseColumn")%>
Hope this will help you..Happy coding..

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ASP.NET 4.0-FormView Control Enhancement –RenderOuterTable Property

Form view control is part of standard control suite since 2.0. We are using it when we need to display one record at a time. ASP.NET 4.0 has made form view control more enhanced.Now its has a property called RenderOuterTable which will decide the whether outer table was render in form view or not. So now the html generated by formview control is more css friendly and easy to manage. Like following we can define the property of from view control.

<asp:FormView ID="myFormView" runat="server" RenderOuterTable="true">
this is form view inner content
If we made redneroutertable=”false” then it will render html like following.
this is form view inner content
So now form view control is more css friendly in and its easy to manage markup generated by

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Sunday, April 4, 2010

How to call a web service from JavaScript with Ajax

Calling a web service from JavaScript was easy task earlier you need to create a proxy class for JavaScript and then you need to write lots of java script but with Microsoft ASP.NET Ajax you can call web services from JavaScript very easily with some line of JavaScript and even better you can also handle the errors if web service failed to return result. Let’s create a simple hello world web service which will print Hello world string and then we will call that web service into JavaScript. Following is a code for web service.

namespace DotNetJapsSocial
/// <summary>
/// Summary description for HelloWorld
/// </summary>
[WebService(Namespace = "")]
[WebServiceBinding(ConformsTo = WsiProfiles.BasicProfile1_1)]
// To allow this Web Service to be called from script, using ASP.NET AJAX, uncomment the following line.
public class HelloWorld : System.Web.Services.WebService
public string PrintHelloWolrdMessage()
return "Hello World";
Here we have created a web method called PrintHelloWorldMessage which will return a string “Hello world”. Please see the [System.Web.Script.Services.ScriptService] attribute of HelloWorld Service class which will enable web service to invoked by any ECMA Script and here we are using JavaScript to call web service.

Now lets create three functions in JavaScript CallWebService,ReuqestCompleteCallback and RequestFailedCallback. Following is the code for that.

<script type="text/javascript">
function CallWebService() {
DotNetJapsSocial.HelloWorld.PrintHelloWolrdMessage(ReuqestCompleteCallback, RequestFailedCallback);
function ReuqestCompleteCallback(result)
// Display the result.
var divResult = document.getElementById("divMessage");
divResult.innerHTML = result;
function RequestFailedCallback(error) {
var stackTrace = error.get_stackTrace();
var message = error.get_message();
var statusCode = error.get_statusCode();
var exceptionType = error.get_exceptionType();
var timedout = error.get_timedOut();

// Display the error. 
var divResult = document.getElementById("Results");
divResult.innerHTML = "Stack Trace: " + stackTrace + "<br/>" +
"Service Error: " + message + "<br/>" +
"Status Code: " + statusCode + "<br/>" +
"Exception Type: " + exceptionType + "<br/>" +
"Timedout: " + timedout;

The CallWebService function will call the web service method. Here we have to pass web service method will complete path like DotNetJapsSocial.HelloWorld.PrintHelloWolrdMessage. The another function ReuqestCompleteCallback will return result call back of web service as parameter in our case it will be a string. Another function RequestFailedCallback is failed callback of web service. If web service returns some error then it will goes to that function. So here you can handle errors.

Now Let’s Create div which will print message and a button to call web service like following.
<input type="button" value="Call Web Service"
<div id="divMessage">
so when you click button then it will crate output like following.

WebServicePage call from JavaScript,Javascript

Hope this will help you..Happy coding..

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