Showing posts with label Mock. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mock. Show all posts
Friday, March 13, 2015

NSubstitute Introduction and Why I like it

Recently I am heavily learning Test Driven Development and Domain Driven design. As you know With TDD you need to have a mocking libraries. So after doing on research on internet they are three libraries available in Microsoft.NET development world which are quite mature.

  1. Rhino Mocks
  2. NSubstitute
  3. Moq
I have gone through all of above three and then After doing research and I choose NSubstitute.

Why I Choose NSubstitute:

Following are the reasons why I have chosen NSubstitute.

  1. It is super easy to use. I don’t have to write very complex lamda expressions to mock objects.
  2. It works really fine with all framework of Test Driven Development
  3. As it is super easy to use you need to write very less code to mock objects.
  4. With other Visual Studio plugins like Resharper, Telerik Justcode its works perfectly and they are able to generate code for the same.
  5. It’s got fluent syntax and very easy to understand.
  6. It’s perfect for some one who is not mature enough for Test Driven Development.

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