Prior to C# 7.0, For out keyword, we need to define that variable earlier and then we were able to pass that variable as out reference arguments. But now with C# 7.0, You don’t need to declare the variable but you can use the variable which you have used in arguments.
Following is a code showing...
Wednesday, March 29, 2017
Visual Studio 2017 New Features Series
Visual Studio 2017 is recently launched by Microsoft and it is one of great IDE I have ever seen. It contains lots of features and this blog post contains the link to all features post that I have written for Visual Studio 2017.
A new start page for Visual Studio 2017
Code Navigation features in Visual Studio 2017
Code Navigation features in Visual Studio 2017
This blog post is a part of Visual Studio 2017 New feature Series
With Visual Studio 2017 there are lots of new Code Navigation features introduced. We are going to look all the options available in Visual Studio 2017.
Navigation your code with Visual studio 2017:
Visual Studio 2017 have...
Tuesday, March 28, 2017
A new start page for Visual Studio 2017
This blog post is a part of Visual Studio 2017 New feature Series
Recently Microsoft has released a new version of Visual Studio 2017 and as usual, there are tons of features available with Visual Studio 2017. Visual Studio has always been one of my favorite IDE. We are going to look into all the...
Monday, March 27, 2017
New Blog theme- new technologies
This blog has been quite for the some time. I was busy doing some professional commitments but now I decided to write blog post regularly. As there are lots of interesting stuff happening in technology world. There are tons of new technologies coming up and lots of new things to learn.
New blogger...
A Review of Stellar Phoenix SQL Database Repair
SQL Server is a database server developed by Microsoft, the primary function of which is to store and retrieve data in the database MDF and NDF files. It retrieves data as requested by several software applications running on same or different computer across a network. Plus, it has a lot of concurrent...