Sunday, April 21, 2013

Server.MapPath variations

Those are working on in web technologies like ASP.Net and ASP are already familiar with server.MapPath method.  It is used to Maps a virtual or relative path to a physical path. Recently I had discussion with my friends what kind of options we have for Server.MapPath and We have discussed lots of things. So I thought it will be a good idea to write a blog post about it. I know this is very basic...
Thursday, April 11, 2013

Two free spell checker extension for visual studio 2012 every developer should use

We all are humans and we tends to make mistakes. I am personally take care about lots of spelling mistakes when writing code but sometimes we don’t identify whether there is a spelling mistake there or not. At that time this spell checker extensions come handy.There are plenty of options available...
Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Why sometimes it’s not a good idea to use session variables in class library project.

As we all know web pages are stateless pages and we need to use session variables in web application to maintain some session over page. Some time we divide our application into multiple layers for example business logic layer,database layer etc. This all layers will be a class library projects. So when you have your applications divided into the multiple layers at that time you might need to use...

My feed url changed

Before one year my blog has its own domain name and at that time I did not changed the URL of my rss feeds. But now feed burner is providing me a way to change it without effecting my current subscribers so I have changed that to match my domain name. Following is a new URL for my feeds. Please note that existing subscribers don’t have...

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