In most of the websites we have contact forms and other forms where we have some standard inputs like Phone,Email and Website URL and those are widely used in any site and has specific features. Email is one of the most standard used input elements which are used in our forms. Till HTML 4.1 we have standard input type text and that’s for we were doing input validation with java script and other technologies....
Sunday, January 29, 2012
My first video for code refactoring in visual studio 2010
I have been planning this since long but now Its happened. I have created a video for visual studio 2010 code refactoring features. I have made this video public. Following is a link for that.
Here is the video..
img alt="" galleryimg="no"...
Sunday, January 8, 2012
string.format escape sequence in c#
Recently I was working on something and I need to put a curly bracket on the string with a string.format function but I was not aware how to to do it. So I did some search on internet and found how to give escape sequence in string.format. Suppose You need to put curly bracket then you have write two...
Saturday, January 7, 2012
Difference between generic handler and http handler- ASP.NET
Generic handler:As per MSDN Generic Handler is a default handler which will have @webhandler directive and has .ashx extension this generic handler is not having UI but it provides response when ever any request made to this handler.
HTTP Handler:HTTP Handler is a process which runs and continue...
how to vertically middle align text in div-HTML tip
Recently in one of the project I have to vertical align text in div. so doing some internet search I have found there are no proper way to do it. So I thought it would be good do share this within my readers.
Here is the code do vertically align text in div.
<div style="width: 25%;border:solid...
ASP.NET Page Methods with Parameters
In earlier post I have written how we can use page methods to call server-side from the java script. In this post I am going to explain How we can pass parameters to page methods with java script.
So let’s take a simple example to see how we can pass parameters to the page methods. I am going to create...
2011 Recap and Greatest hits
2011 year has been ended before so its time to write the year recap blog post.First of all I like to wish my friends,reader and everybody a happy new year. This year was very exciting in some way for this blog. First thing was happened that I have moved from blogspot domain to my own domain