Saturday, March 27, 2010

.NET 4.0- A new method StringBuilder.Clear() to clear stringbuilder

With Microsoft.NET 4.0 we have a convenient method called clear method which will clear string builder. This method is very use full where we need to use string builder for multiple string manipulation. So we don’t need to create a separate string builder for it. Let’s take a simple example which will...

Dynamically creating Meta Tag from ASP.NET 2.0/1.1

Search Engine optimization is very important to any web site today you can’t get more visitors except search engine optimization.In site we can also create dynamic meta tags as per our requirement for each page very easily. I will going to show you the two ways of adding meta tags dynamically...

How To Access Control On Master Page From Content Page

It a common requirement that you have change the master page content from content page. For example you have welcome label control that is there in master page and you want to change the welcome message after user logged in from the content page. Same way there might be another requirement like you...
Thursday, March 25, 2010

Important milestone achieved 1,50,000 Visit completed for blog

I started blogging for fun but when i involved as blogger i understand power of blogging. From blog we can connect to people directly we can find reactions of our post sometimes good some time harsh comment but it was quite learning experience. On this occasion i thank all the dotnetjaps reader for...
Wednesday, March 24, 2010

ASP.NET- Using span tag instead of label for performance

In ASP.NET controls used in to the user controls are generate Client Id which unique for the control and If you have so many user controls hierarchy then you will have very long client id like ‘ctl00_CPH_ctl02_BM_userLogin_UserName’.It will increase the Kilo Bytes of html rendered in the browsers. Label...
Tuesday, March 23, 2010

IIS Error: The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process.

Recently in our one of the web servers all the sites using port 80 were stopped and when we tried to restart website it was giving error like process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. After analyzing and diagnosis and searching on internet for the same problem i have...
Monday, March 22, 2010

C# 4.0-string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace()

We already have string.IsNullOrEmpty() method to check whether the string is null or empty.Now with Microsoft.NET Framework 4.0 there is a new another method that is called string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace() which will also check whether string is having whitespaces or not with null and empty string.This...
Sunday, March 21, 2010

C#-Constructors,Static Constructors and Destructors Execution in Inheritance

While taking interview for .NET Technologies i often ask about the execution sequence of the constructor and destructor in inheritance But from the my experience i have found that lots of people are still confused with execution sequence of constructor and destructors. Lets create a simple example...

Singleton Class in C#

Singleton pattern is very popular pattern used by programmer. The idea behind the singleton pattern is to have only one instance of a class at any time. This kind of pattern is very useful for for heavy resources like Linq Data Context etc. It is also useful in multithreaded application where different...
Saturday, March 20, 2010

Visual Studio 2010-Automatically Adjust Visual Experience.

Visual studio 2010 is great IDE and i am discovering everyday some thing new. Today i have discovered one of fantastic option to increase performance of your visual studio IDE. Visual Studio 2010 has option when we enabled it it will automatically adjust the visual and client experience as per your...

Indexer class in C#

While taking interviews for Microsoft.NET i often ask about indexer classes in C#.NET and i found that most of people are unable to give answer that how we can create a indexer class in C#.NET. We know the array in C#.NET and each element in array can be accessed by index same way for indexer class...

Microsoft.NET 4.0/VB.NET 10 Automatic Properties

In C# we are having automatic properties since C# 3.5 framework but now with Microsoft.NET 4.0 Framework VB.NET 10.0 version we are also having automatic properties for VB.NET Also. Like in C# we can define automatic like following. Public string TestProperty{get;set;}Same way we can define in automatic...

ASP.NET and Load balancing.

In one of our project the site usage of site was very heavy and we need to migrate it to load balancing server. I have never configured the sites in the load balancing server but it was quite interspersing experience Here are the some points which we need to take care while we move sites into...
Monday, March 15, 2010

Rename feature in Visual Web Developer 2010/Visual Studio 2010

Visual web developer is great tool and I am playing more and more with it and every time I am discovering some new features of it. Recently I have discovered a very cool feature of it. I want to rename a variable in visual studio 2010 Web Developer express edition and I found a great refractor tool...

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