Sunday, May 31, 2009

Microsoft Bing –Search Engine by Microsoft

Microsoft on Thursday announced the new search engine bing. They are rebranding there search engine from live search to the bing search and will replace the live search in the future. It’s a good search product and beat some way to Google. Bing is not available to public yet bug we don't have wait too...

DataSet Vs Datareader

Before some time a reader  vamsi asked me in my increase application performance post that why should i prefer data reader over dataset. Both data reader and dataset are usually use to fetch data from the database but both are having different mechanism for fetching data from database. First we looked into that and then we decide in which condition we need to use dataset and in which...
Thursday, May 28, 2009

My blogs posts are appearing on Microsoft TechEd

Its a great honor to be part of the Microsoft TechNet and TechEd community and i have found that my blog entries are also appearing on the TechNet sites. So thanks Microsoft and TechEd editors for considering my post in TechEd blogs. Here is link for TechEd blogs.

What is the difference between User Control and Custom Control

Custom controls are compiled code(Dlls) easier to use,difficult to create and can be place in toolbox. You can drag and drop controls, Attributes of this control are visually set at design time. A custom control can be used in multiple application as shared DLLS. Any one can copy DLL of custom control in bin directory and add reference and use them. Normally custom controls are designed to provide...

JavaScript Events

Following are some of the events that are provided by JavaScript OnChange: Occurs when user changes values in an input control. In text controls this event fire after user changes focus to other controls OnClick: This event occurs when a user clicks on the button control.This event is also occurs when a form is submitted to server. OnMouseOver: This events occur when user moves the mouse pointer...

Authentication and authorization in

Authentication is the process that determines the identity of a user after a user has been authenticated, a developer can determine if the identified use has authorization to proceed.Authorization is the process of determining whether an authenticated user is permitted access to other any part of application or access to specific data view that application provides.There are three types of authentication...
Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Increase Performance in application

For every enterprise level application the key to make that application success is the responsiveness of application. ASP.NET also offers great deal of the features for developing web based enterprise application but some times due to avoiding best practice to write application the performance of application performance of application is not so fast as it should be. Here are the some use full suggestion...
Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Microsoft Visutal Studio 2010 Beta Available for download now

We all .NET developers are waiting for the visual studio .NET 2010 for long time. Microsoft just have enabled download for all beta users. Following is the link for downloading the visual sutdio 2010. this link you will know all the things related to visual studio 2010.Following are the some glimpse of the features of visual...

Implementing repository pattern with the entity model

There are lots of ways to implement repository pattern but with entity model you can create repository pattern within 10 to 15 minutes. If you are creating mvc application then just right click->Model folder->Add->Net Item->select entity data model. From database...
Friday, May 22, 2009

Which .NET Object Relational Mapper is fastest? In .NET Nhibernate,Linq 2 SQL,Entity Framework Or SubSonic, NHibernate

There are lots of ORM(Object Relational Mapper) tools are available for the Microsoft.NET like linq 2 sql, entity framework, nhibernate, subsonic and so many others. Developer often confuses which technlogy he should choose but i think a developer should deternmine his requiremnt first then he has check the pros and cons of every tool there . I have used entity framework for my...

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