Saturday, March 22, 2014

Explicit Keyword in C#

Yesterday, I have written a blog post about Implicit Keyword in C#. In today’s post we are going to learn about Explicit keyword in C#. Like Implicit keyword explicit keyword is also used for typecasting one class into another class. It is also a type conversion operator but rather then directly invoking...
Friday, March 21, 2014

Launching DotNetJalps Communities

Everyday I got lots of emails asking about technical things and Every time I am trying to give proper answer to them. But due to lack of time it was always not possible to reply all the emails as I have professional commitments also. So that’s why I decided to launch DotNetJalps community where people can ask questions and If I am not there then also another people can answer the question. Another...

Implicit Keyword in C#

In today’s post we are going to learn about implicit operator in C#. Implicit keyword is used for conversation in C#. It is used to declare an implicit user-defined type conversation operator. So with the help of implicit keyword you can convert one class into another class without writing any other...
Thursday, March 20, 2014

Enhanced debugging with DebuggerDisplay in C#

We all need to debug our projects and for that we need to some visualization to see values of debug data C# has a attribute called ‘DebuggerDisplay’ which helps developers to visualize data in the way developer wants . As per MSDN, DebuggerDisplay attributes allows developers of the type, who specifies...

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