Saturday, February 4, 2012

Number- New HTML5 Input type

I have been writing few series of new HTML5 input types and this is another post on same series. In this post I am going to explain Number input types. The number type is for numeric values. When you use number input type it will have spinner with up and down arrow and with the help of this you can increase or decrease of value.

Attributes of Number Input type:

There are four attributes of Number input types.
  1. Value : This attribute is used to specify the default value of the input type once its first loaded. So what ever you put there in input value it will be there.
  2. Min: As name suggest it defines minimum value for a range that you can you can choose in number input types.
  3. Max: It defines maximum number value for the range a number input type can have.
  4. Step: This attribute defines the number which will decrease or increase number value. If you don’t specify the value for it the default value for this will be 1.

URL–New HTML5 input element

In earlier post we have seen how the email input tag work in the browser. HTML5 comes with lots of new goodies and today we are going to see one of another new html5 input types URL.

In most of the sites once you fill your contact and personal information it will ask for your URL. Till now there is no specific type for URL and we have to manually validate the URL with the Java Script but now with the HTML5 you don’t have do that. It will automatically validate the URL. For the browsers that are not supporting this will work as normal input text box.

So let’s take a simple example of URL input type. I am going to use same ASP.NET MVC project that I have used for the earlier post. So Here is the code for that.

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