Thursday, January 15, 2009

Member of class - Object Oriented Programming

Definitions Of Object: An object is combination and collection of data and code designed to emulate a physical abstract enmity.You can create number object of class. The properties, Variable and Methods define in class are called Members of class.Private Member Of Class: Private member of a class have strict access control Only the member function of same class can access this members.Protected Member...

Diffrent Type Of Inheritance- Object Oriented Programing

Following are different type of inheritance..1) Single Inheritance:Derivation of class from only one base class is called single inheritance.2) Multiple Inheritance:Derivation of class from several base class is called multiple inheritance.3) Hierarchical Inheritance:Derivation of several classes from a single class is called hierarchical inheritance.4) Multilevel Inheritance:Derivation of a class...
Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Basic Concept Of Object Oriented Programming

Following are the basic concepts of object oriented programming.1) Objects:Object are the basic run time entities in the object oriented system. They may represent a person, a palace, a bank account, a table data or anything that a program can handle.2) Classes:A class encloses both the data and function that operate on the data into a single unit.3) Data abstraction and Encapsulation:The wrapping...

Object Oriented Interview Question Part 1- Benefits Of Inheritance

Following are the benefits of the inheritance...Through inheritance we can eliminate the redundant code and extend the user of the existing classes.We can build program from the standard working modules that can communicate with the one another rather then having start writing code from beginning.It is possible to have multiple instances of objects of class without any interface.It is easy to partion...
Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Happy New Year 2009

Hello Guys,I am jalpesh vadgama wishing you a very happy and healthy new year ahead. Sorry i was busy with my projects so not able to post anything related to dot net. Now i am back with the all the things and promise to be regular post. If you want to listen anything from me then please post comment.Last year was hectic to me as lots of things are going on now my house is also shifted and i have...

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