I was watching techmela program in CNBC and i found indian companies are also started to develop website with the Microsoft Silver light technology. You all are eager to know that which company is doing this.Yashraj films has developed site with Microsoft silver light.here is link for that site.http://www.yashrajfilms.c...
Monday, June 25, 2007
Friday, June 22, 2007
Yahoo Stock Quote Ticker with C# and Flash
We all are like to develop our own ticker as we like because we need to customize. I have found great article that not only teach us that how to develop a ticker and how we can consume the asp.net C# web service in flash.Jason Perry has used yahoo stock quote service to get stock prices. He created the web service that consume the yahoo service and a flash application that consume the .net web service.This...
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Micorsoft Server Operating System-Windows Server 2008
Microsoft has announced its new generation of server operating system called windows server 2008. Microsoft windows server 2008 beta 3 is available for download.Following are the some of windows server 2008 highlights.1) Increase Control and Manageability2) Flexibility for Changing Business Needs3) A Solid Foundation on Which to Build Your BusinessFor more details about windows sever 2008 family and...
Introduction to XAML
Microsoft has provided new extensible markup language called XAML(Extensible Application Markup Language ) with .net framework 3.0.XAML is used to define dynamic or static user interfaces of C# or VB.NET . XAML will be used in Windows Vista to design user interfaces, but can be applied to Windows XP or Windows 2003 as well.I have found a great articles to describe basics of XAML.This article contains...
Using the ASP.NET membership provider in C# Windwos Forms application
ASP.NET 2.0 has great ability to develop application in much more faster and secure way. ASP.NET Membership functionality is one of the example of it. ASP.NET membership functionality is easy to user build whole user management section for you. But still lots of developer does not know that asp.net membership provider can be used in C# windows forms application.I have found a great article on using...
Collecting Remote System Information With WMI + C#.NET
While developing a windows application we often need to develop application that will collect information about remote pc. I have found a great article which will use WMI classes in .net framework to get information about remote pc.here is the link for that article....http://www.codeproject.com/cs/internet/remotesysinformation.asp?df=100&forumid=127088&exp=0&select=1498...
Consuming webservice with asp.net ajax
ASP.NET Developer uses Ajax to build great user interfaces. But few developer only know that with asp.net Ajax you can do lost of other things then building great user interfaces. Few developers know you can consume web services with asp.net.I have found great articles that discuss all things that comes in way to consume web services from Ajax asp.net.here is the link for that article...http://ww...
ASP.NET AJAX - Things To Know
Ajax is one of the hottest buzz in today's web development world and Google and some other companies have used Ajax very wisely to improve his web applications and services. Every web developer is thinking about ajax. Ajax is a universal technique you can use it with any platform.Whether it is php,jsp,pearl,javascript,html,coldfusion,asp or asp.net you can use it with all the platforms.Microsoft has...
Google Corporate Information-History and milestones
I have found a very good articles about Google corporate history and milestone. How the Google was started by Larry Page and Sergy Bin. How the every mile stone are achieved. What help Google to successful like today everything is explained in very good manner and year to year. One must read this to take inspiration from it.here is the link for that article...http://www.google.co.uk/corporate/his...
Friday, June 8, 2007
How to send email from C# windows application
First find the System.Web.dll in your computer drive where .NET Framework installedThen add a reference to that dll in your C# windows application.then write following code to send email....string smtpServer;smtpServer= "";System.Web.Mail.MailMessage msg = new System.Web.Mail.MailMessage();msg.From = "From Email Address";msg.To = "To Email Address";msg.Body = "Body here";System.Web.Mail.MailAttachment...
How to take ScreenShot in C#
To create a screenshot in c# we need to use drawing api of the .net framework
First you have import System.Drawing.Imaging name space with following code...
using System.Drawing.Imaging;
here is the code in C# for screenshot.
int screenWidth = Screen.GetBounds(new Point(0, 0)).Width;int screenHeight = Screen.GetBounds(new Point(0, 0)).Height;Bitmap bmpScreenShot = new Bitmap(screenWidth, screenHeight);Graphics...
Thursday, June 7, 2007
Create a Site Search Engine in ASP.NET - SiteSearch.aspx
I have found a very interesting link to design search engine in asp.net. Which describes the sorting and searching mechanism in result data grid.following the link of that article.............http://www.developerfusion.co.uk/show/4389...
Wednesday, June 6, 2007
Micorosft Acropolis CTP 1 released.
Microsoft code name “Acropolis” Community Technology Preview 1 is a bundle of components and tools that make life easier for developers to build and manage modular, business focused, client .NET smart applications. To Download Acropolis click Here To Know more about acropolis download Introducing video from here...
Windows Presentation Foundation- All About
The primary goal of Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) is to help developers create attractive and effective user interfaces. Learn how the WPF unified platform helps make designers active participants in creating user interfaces, and provides a common programming model for standalone and browser applications.It is a great articles which describes all the aspects of WPF and also give glimpse on...
Using custom collections with the ASP.NET DataGrid control
Most of the developer use data controls for retrieving data and binding it to the data grid.But collections in .net technology provide great alternative instead of using data reader,data set or data view to bind data grid.I have found a great msdn article that describes all thing that you can do with data grid and collections.i.e. User InterfaceDatabase Structure and collectionConcepts behind the...
Search Engine Optimization and ASP.NET
I have found a great articles to do Search engine optimization for ASP.NET websites.it will discuss regarding view state and meta tags of asp.net .If you're developing for the Web then you should familiarize yourself with some Search Engine Optimization or SEO concepts. The idea here is to make your ASP.NET application as friendly as possible for spiders, and the specific spider we're talking about...
Mouse Hover effect on asp.net datagrid.
Here is the code for mouse hover effect in ASP.NET using C#.I have written a another code for mouse hover effect in asp.net data gird. You can do both for alternating item and item rows.First You have to create a item created event of datagrid and paste the following...private void datagrid_ItemCreated(object sender, System.Web.UI.WebControls.DataGridItemEventArgs e){if (e.Item.ItemType==ListItemType.AlternatingItem){e.Item.Attributes.Add("OnMouseOver",...
Great ASP.NET Datagrid Search Articles.
I have found some great ASP.NET Data grid articles. Please go through it.1) Drill down Data grid Searching with ASP.NET:This articles provide all the information to develop basic search in asp.net datagrid.here is the link:http://www.sitepoint.com/article/datagrid-searching-asp-net2) Highlighting Multiple Searching Keywords for ASP.NET Datagrid.This article describes how to highlight searching keyword...
ASP.NET Free WebHosting
Hurray, I have found a great free web hosting with ASP.NET 2.0 support. Brinkster People provide free ASP.NET hosting following supports.Package Features.30 mb web space500 MB WEB TRAFFIC (limited to 16.7 mb web traffic per day)1 brinkster.net e-mail account with 10 mb space24/7/365 E-MAIL SUPPORTBrinkster control panelSupported Technologies.ASP 3.0ASP.NETxml 4.0wap enabledflash enabledssi - server...