Tuesday, May 22, 2007


Today Every body has to face interview to get jobs. Lots of people are preparing for it. But Still there are some points that every candidate has to take care of it. I have found a great article for an interview. Which covers all the topics from right from beginning to written and aptitude test,technical interview, hr interview etc.

The Author shared his experience with the big company's.

following is the link of that article..
Monday, May 21, 2007

http://internetexplorer8.net-Your guide to Microsoft's next browser

Microsoft has launched a new website called http://internetexplorer8.net/
Where you can find all things about Microsoft forthcoming new browser Microsoft Internet explorer 8.

You can also get information about Microsoft current browser Internet explorer 7.0.

What is Linq

Linq is the one of the most hottest release from Microsoft. Still lots of people don't know what linq is. I have found a great articles from Saqib Ullah.

This articles covers all the aspects of Linq in each and every way.

Following is the link for that article...

Micorosft SQL Server Future Version-Katmai

Microsoft is going to launch it's new sql server 2005 future realease code name Katmai. It will be realeased in 2008. It provide better data management and dynamic development for the data management solutions.

SQL Server code name "Katmai" is a complete enterprise-class offering that builds upon the success of SQL Server 2005 and delivers increased functionality to a comprehensive range of applications from the desktop to the data center.

for more details you can visit following links:

Read the SQL Server code name "Katmai" Press Release

SQL Server code name "Katmai" Datasheet
Friday, May 18, 2007

Future Release Version of ASP.NET

Microsoft will launch newer version of it's asp.net suite. It will contain lots of new features with asp.net and silverlight.

Following things are included in future release...
  1. ASP.NET AJAX Futures
  2. Silverlight Controls for ASP.NET
  3. Dynamic Data Controls for ASP.NET
  4. ASP.NET Application Services
  5. Dynamic Languages Support in ASP.NET

For more details visit following links:


Thursday, May 17, 2007

WPF - Hands on Labs

Microsoft Windows Foundation Presentation (WPF) hands on labs is a great labs to know more about Windows Presentation Foundation and How we should integrate it into the windows forms.

for all the details visit following links:

Microsoft has provided following hands on labs

1) Building WPF Applications
2) Building WPF XAML Browser Applications
3) Creating 3D Content with Windows Presentation Foundation
4) Creating a Glass Button in Blend
5) Creating Rich 2D and 3D Content in WPF
6) Creating Rich Reading Experience with WPF
7) Creating Rich Reading Experience with WPF
8) Creating WPF buttons with Expression Blend and Expression Design
9) Expression Blend Feature Tour - Fabrikam Catalog
10)Using Data Binding in WPF

Happy Programming..

ASP.NET Forums and ASP.NET Blog Site changed.

Microsoft team has changed the layout of asp.net forums and asp.net web blogs. And after some time the whole asp.net site layout will be changed.

Now it takes less time to load and has much more responsive then old site.

For More details visit following link..

Windows Forms Video

For those who are new to the programming. Video Tutorials provides great helps. Microsoft has lots of videos on his new resource site. http://www.windowsclient.net/.

It has following videos...

1) Windows Presentation Foundation for Developers – Part 1
2) Design Rich Client Experiences with Expression Blend and WPF
3) A View from the Front: Real World Experiences of WPF and Silver light
4) Starbucks, Windows Presentation Foundation, and Stand Out: Remarkable Brand Delivers Remarkable Presentations
5) ZAP!, WHAM!, KAPOW!: Windows Presentation Foundation and the Next Generation of Online Comic Book Reading
6) Citius, Altius, Fortius: Windows Presentation Foundation and the 2008 Olympic Games
7) Lessons Learned: Designer/Developer Productivity in Windows Presentation Foundation
8) Family Show: I See Dead People, with Windows Presentation Foundation
9) Windows Presentation Foundation in Real World Development
10) WPF State of the Nation
11) Interactive 2D controls on WPF 3D Surfaces
12) Creating a Simple XAML Browser Application
13) Advent and Evolution of WPF
14) IronPython and WPF
15) The Power of Templates in Windows Presentation Foundation
16) Sneak Peak at Cider
17) Testing WPF - UI Fuzzing with InvokeStress
18) Demo of Avalon 3D
19) Expression – Part One: The Overview
20) Expression – Part Two: Design
21) Expression – Part Three: Blend
22) Windows Forms Layout
23) Tool Strips
24) Windows Presentation Foundation: The Opportunity for WPF Applications in the ...
25) Developing a Windows Presentation Foundation Application
26) A Designer's Overview of Windows Presentation Foundation
27) Building a Real World WPF Application: The North Face In-Store Explorer

For more details about the videos please visit following link:

Happy Programming...

1.0 windows starter kits from windowsclient.net

Just like the asp.net starter kits windows forms starter kits provide a very good way to learn windows forms programming. Those who are new to the windows forms programming by .net technology must have the windows forms start kits.

Windows starter kits include following applications...

1) Auto-Column-Size Windows Forms DataGrid
2) DataGrid ComboBox Column
3) FotoVision
4) Infragistics Tracker Application
5) IssueVision
6) ITypedList Implementation
7) TaskVision 1.0
8) Terrarium

To know more about start kits please visit:

or directly download starter kits from above links..

Happy Programming.
Tuesday, May 15, 2007

How to traverse in Collection of ASP.NET,C#.NET

I am creating a 3-tier application using the collections and I have found that it is very difficult to traverse in collection. I have used ICollection and IEnumerator interface to inherit my class.
here is the class.

#region Using Directive
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Xml;
using System.Xml.Serialization;


namespace MyCollectionClass
public class CountryCollection:IEnumerator,ICollection
#region Fields
private int _CountryId;
private string _CountryName;
private ArrayList _CountryList;
private int _Index=-1;


#region Properties
public int CountryId
return _CountryId;
public string CountryName
return _CountryName;
public object Current
return _CountryList[_Index];
public Object SyncRoot
return this;
public bool IsSynchronized
return false;

public CountryCollection this[int indexer]
if ((indexer >= 0) && (indexer <>
return (CountryCollection)_CountryList[indexer];
throw new System.IndexOutOfRangeException("Index Must Between 0 and " + _CountryList.Count.ToString());
int System.Collections.ICollection.Count
return _CountryList.Count;
public int Count
return _CountryList.Count;


#region Constructor
public CountryCollection()
_CountryList = new ArrayList();
public CountryCollection(ArrayList theArrayList)
_CountryList = theArrayList;


#region Methods
public void Add(CountryCollection objCountry)
public void Remove(CountryCollection objCountry)
public IEnumerator GetEnumerator()
return (IEnumerator)new CountryCollection(_CountryList);
public bool MoveNext()
return _Index <>
public void Reset()
_Index = -1;
public ArrayList GetArrayList()
return _CountryList;
public void CopyTo(Array a, int index)
_CountryList.CopyTo(a, index);


After that i have create a object of class called objCountryCol.

Now here is the way for traversing the data.

Convert objCountryCol into enumerator....

IEnumerator inum=objCountryCol.GetEnumerator();

here is the loop for traversing

while (inum.MoveNext())
///write another code and traverse your class.


Monday, May 14, 2007

Window Live Mail Lanuch full version

Few days back Microsoft has announced it's new next generation free mail services windows live mail. Microsoft has announces full version of it. Microsoft also giving beta tester logo for those who have used the Microsoft live beta version of mailing services.

Basic of C# Programming.

C# is purely object oriented language. It has great features. It is just like c++ so if you know c++ you can easily learn c#.

I have found a great article that will discuss following topic fo C#.

Program structure
Name spaces
Data types
Operators and expressions
Classes and structs
Function parameters
Boxing and unboxing
Inheritance and polymorphism

here is link:
Program structure
Data types
Operators and expressions
Classes and structs
Function parameters
Boxing and unboxing
Inheritance and polymorphism

here is the link:http://www.codeproject.com/csharp/quickcsharp.asp


Best Indian websites for 2007

The computer magazine pcworld has announces best Indian websites for 2007.
It has announced website in following categories.

2)Flowers and Gifts
3) Cricket
4) Shopping
5) Email
6) Real Estate
7) Technology
8) Portals
9) Job Sites
10) Social Networking
11) Astrology
12) News
13) Travels
14) Matrimony
15) Bill Pay
16) Entertainment
17) Photo Printing
18) Mobile Content
19) Auction
20) Stock Broking

For more details and winners click here

How ASP.NET page renders in IIS

Every body know that asp.net is great technology for developing website. Every body knows feature of asp.net. But very few people know that how asp.net page render in the IIS. What is process done by IIS(Internet Information Services) to execute .aspx(ASP.NET Page).

I have search a lot and found two great articles that covers all aspects of asp.net and IIS.

The first one is from http://www.4guysfromrolla.com/. here is the link.

The second one is form http://www.programmersheaven.com/ . here is the link
Friday, May 4, 2007

Drap & Drop Shopping Cart in ASP.NET

Have you ever seen drag and drop in shopping cart where item can be drag and drop in shopping cart. Here is the way you can do it.

Users can simply drag and drop the items they wish to buy in the basket and the basket is updated with the new results.

here it the link for the article which describes how you can do drag and drop in shopping cart.

Ready Made Site Search Engine For ASP.NET

If you are developing a site search in your asp.net site. Now you don't need to develop it. Now it will be directly done adding a great component. It is robust,unique and very fast. It is also provide great features like a standard search engine.

You can also download free demo version and test it. Here is the download link

Please visit following site for more details: http:/www.sitesearchasp.net

How to zip files programatically thorugh asp.net

Lots of time we are required to zip the uploaded files due to hosting space limitation. I have found a great article to zip uploaded files pragmatically through asp.net and gzip libraries.

here is the link for that great articles
Thursday, May 3, 2007

MIcorosfot and Oracle: Better Together

For almost two decades , Microsoft and oracle have teamed up to integrate their products for customers. Combining the strength of Microsoft and Oracle software means easier management and increased productivity through integration and interoperability.

I have found a great site which provide all information to work on .NET Framework thorough support for Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 and Oracles databases.

It also contains lots of case studies for integrating Microsoft and Oracle application.

here is the link for the site.


How to select node in ASP.NET IE Web Treeview

I have a found a very simple way to select a particular node.

here is the one line code...

first traverse the node and then paste following code.


that's it..

happy programming..

how to take a thumnail of a website with asp.net 2.0

Have you visited http://www.snap.com
It is a search engine with the snaps(thumbnail of the sites). It is a very unique .
As .NET Developer we all like to find the way how we can take real time thumbnails of the website. I have searched a lot and i have found a great article on this.

here is the link....

Comparision of Ajax Framework for ASP.NET 1.1

I have found a great article which compare a lot of framework in for Ajax .
It includes following frameworks.

Frameworks included in comparison are:
  • ComfortASP.NET V0.65 (beta)
  • MagicAJAX.NET V0.3.0
  • ZumiPage V2.10
  • ATLAS CTP July 2006
  • OutPost V1.4
  • FastPage V2.0
  • Telerik r.a.d. ajax V1.03 (+Hotfix)
  • Anthem Panel V1.3.
It compares on the following basis...

  • General
  • Integration
  • General ASP.NET Compatibility
  • ASP.NET 2.0 compatibility
  • Features
  • Ajax post backs
  • Additional Feature.

here is the link of article....

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