Friday, March 30, 2007

ASP.NET Caching

Caching is process of saving html and data in browser cache. Some data are difficult to obatin it assumes lot of resouceof the server. The best way to store it in cache. So we can retrive from cache instead doing round trip to the server.There are also some portion of the site does not change frequently so caching is a good idea to store this portion ofwebsite in cahce rather then loadind it from...

Make Internet Explorer 6.0 as fast as firefox or IE 7.0

Google has done amazing thing with the speed of browser. Google has provided a software that will increase your browser speed almost 1.5 times.It works with all browser and It saves lot of minutes of is the link to download that software...
Thursday, March 29, 2007

Building Layered Application with ASP.NET 2.0

There are lots of discussion about building layered application with 2.0. As we all know this can be done in many way. I have found one interesting article on this.It covers all the aspects of building layered web application using is the link for that article...

Search Engine Optimization tools

Search Engine Optmization is one of the hottest things in this days. I have found great tool that will help you to opmize your sites.First one is market leap which contains three tools1) Link popularity toolLink popularity check is one of the best ways to quantifiably and independently measure your website's online awareness and overall visibility. Simply put, link popularity refers to the total number...
Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Tool, Menu, and Status Strips

Windows Forms 2.0 have great control in their stack. ToolStrip and MenuStrip are great example of it. It is a great new control which you can use with application to developer better user interface.I have found an article on both controls. It describes all the things that realted with toolstrip and menustrip. It also teaches how to another control in toolstrip. It also specifies how to customize the...

Write better window application

here is the another link for writing better windows application...

Databinding in .NET Applications

Data binding provides a way for developers to create a read/write link between the controls on a form and the data in their application (their data model). There are several ways to bind datasource with controls i have found very inersting link that covers all the aspects of is the link.....

Creating Collections for Data Binding and Serialization

Collection are faster then the any datasource like dataset, data reader. So it must be used to bind control in application rather then other datasources. I have found very ineresting article series written by Thiru Thangarathinam which discusss how to create collection and how to bind it with is the link:

Increase your windows forms application performance

With technology and windows forms 2.0 you can build great application. It provides great user interface component so you can develope very reach applications.There are two aspects of application design and another one is performance. If any of this two is not perfect then your application may lead to a failure.I have found one interesting link that discuss about this issues. It discuss...

Search Engine Optimization tool

Search Engine marketing is one of the most important aspect of site popularity. We must have have to consider when we are developing a website. Today most of thing are find by the search engine so if you want to increase your popularity and visitor you must to search engine optimization.Keyword is the most import in search engine optimization. You must put right keyword to increase your site popularity...

Writing Quality code.

As a developer we all write programing code to devleope applicaitons. But it is very important how you write them.There are several method we have to follow when writing code.I have found very inseresting link which discuss every section of is the link:
Friday, March 23, 2007

Brainbench ASP.NET Certification

Yester I have received brainbench certification People can find my live transcript from following
Thursday, March 8, 2007

C#.NET Coding Industry Standards.

Lots of people are creating and devleoping the application using Microsoft.NET plateform but still don't know the right way to code it. Here is the link for .NET Coding Standards that a developer must following while developing application.

What is Blog & RSS

Lots of people don't know about blog and rss. I have found a great atricle in msdn which is explaining all aspects of the Blog and RSS.Here is the link ...

TRY-CATCH Block-SQL Server

In SQL server 2000, to handle sql server exception we have to use goto statement while in the sql server 2005 support the try-catch type of exception handling just like or is exmple of it.set ANSI_NULLS ONset QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ONgoCREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[sp_InsertState]@StateId int,@Name varchar(30)ASBEGIN declare @Error Int declare @TableName sysname declare...

Proctect your blog content

I have found great site which will list the users who are using content without your site.So you can protect your blog is the link ....http://www.copyscape.c...
Friday, March 2, 2007

Spalsh Screen -C#

It is a good idea to create splash screen when you loading data on the main form. So splash screen resides till the data loaded on the screen.Fist design a form then set formborderstyle property to "SizableToolWindow"set ControlBox Property to "False"set StartPosition Property to "CenterScreen"set WindowState Property to "Normal"Import following name space with using directiveusing System;using System.Collections.Generic;using...

Indian Buget Effects on the Technology

The Indian Finance Minister has presented a financial budget for year 2007-2008. The FM has put a 12% met tax on softwares.I have found a very ineresting site where we can found whole effects of budgets on technology .here is the link

Enterprise Resource Planning....

Our company have decided to develope a Enterprise Resource Planning System. We are new to this.So please put us some comments how we should start and how we develope this erp system.You can put your comments at my blog Jalpesh or Sameer.I am eagarly waiting my users Comments.Have a nice time....
Thursday, March 1, 2007

Stored Procedure-Importing CSV Files into Table -SQL Server

Here is the Stored Procedure code for importing comma seperated CSV files to table.CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[sp_ImportScript]@filepath varchar(2000)ASBEGIN TRYdeclare @tmpsql varchar(3000)set @tmpsql='BULK INSERT table'set @tmpsql=@tmpsql + ' FROM ''' + @filepath + ''''set @tmpsql=@tmpsql + ' WITH (FIRSTROW=2,FIELDTERMINATOR ='set @tmpsql=@tmpsql + ''','''set @tmpsql=@tmpsql + ',ROWTERMINATOR ='set...

How to set default value of a property in Class-C# 2.0

If you wanna set properties default value at the time of Class Instance creationg here is code that. Import following name space to your class with using directives. using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Text; using System.ComponentModel; Then create a private variable field for property private string _message; Finally here is code that generate default value with property. [DefaultValue("This...

Meta Tag Extractor

For Search engine optimization Meta Tag is very much important to rank your site within the search engine.A SEO person always require meta tag extractor to get meta tags from vairous sites and find best keywords that match your site.I have found a great meta tag extractor here is a link :

Microsoft India Blogstar Content Winners

Microsoft India has conducted Microsoft India Blogstar Contest to encourage Microsoft technology related blogger.The winners have a chance to meet Steve Balmer -CEO Microsoft Corporation.The winners are announced.Here is the link:

Filling typed dataset with enterprise libary 2006-C#

Here is the code filling data with enterprise library.First Create a Type dataset in the visual studio dataset called 'crystal'.Then create a data table via right click add datatable called script.createcolumns you require.and then first import following name space using directives.using Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.Data;using Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary;using System.Data;using...

Starting PageCounter to Specific Value in ASP

Here is a code that start value to a specific value.In the code i have started its value from 10000Dim objPageCountSet objPageCount = Server.CreateObject("MSWC.PageCounter")objPageCount.PageHit()dim hithit=objPageCount.Hits()+ 10000Response.Write "Site Visitors: " & hit & ""Happy Programm...

Tired of Finding Jobs- Don't Give Up

If you are finding jobs for a long time and you are not getting interview calls from companies then just don't give up just keep trying. Here is a post for you that will inspire you on this.

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