ASP.NET provides calendar control to select datebut some time it not feasible due to the size ofit. It takes more spaces. So we are requiredto create a new web control which is used lessspace and also provides date selection mechanismhere are the code for that control in C#HTML CODE:================================================<asp:dropdownlist id="cmbDay" AutoPostBack="True"runat="server"></asp:dropdownlist><asp:dropdownlist...
Saturday, August 26, 2006
Thursday, August 24, 2006
Thank You For Visiting My Blog
Thank You Very Much for visiting my blog,There are 155 visitors in last month who visit my blog. It is sucha over whelming experience that you work is recognized in such big way.I want your valuable comments on my post to make it better. So please putyour comments for the post directly.You can also put your valuable comments in my guest book:here are the links:Post Your Comme...
Sql Server Escape Sequence
Some times we are required to put '(Quotation Mark) in our sql stored procedure query.But '(Quotation Mark) will use for operation in sql server stored procedure. You can use escape sequence here.for example you want to put 'jalpesh' in stored procedure then you should giveprint '''jalpesh'''here first two quota ion mark counted as escape sequence and then the third ' are counted as charact...
Monday, August 21, 2006
C# 1.0/1.1/2.0 Resources
Following are some C# 1.0/1.1/2.0 ResourcesMsdn-C#
Monday, August 14, 2006
sql server 7.0/2000/2005 resources list
Following are the list of some sql server resource
Thursday, August 10, 2006
Starting Point of auto number fields in Microsoft Access
Auto Number Field handy things in Microsoft access.It willautomatically increase the filed value as records areinserted. Developer don't have to care for it. By defaultauto number field start with the zero but sometimes werequired to start auto number with rather than zero.We can do it by creating the append query. Followingare the procedure for creating our own starting pointin the Microsoft access.-First...
Paging in Datalist or Repeater Control In ASP.NET
HTML of Datalist
<asp:datalist id="dsList" runat="server" width=100%><ItemTemplate><%#DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "ID").ToString()%><%#DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "Name").ToString()%></ItemTemplate></asp:datalist><table width="100%" border="0" align="Center"><tr><td><asp:LinkButton...
Monday, August 7, 2006
Crystal Report : Add Comand:
Some times we need only a single field from a particular table while creating a report.Which sometimes has no relationship with others.To do this So many peoples are importing table and use a one field.
Crystal Reports 9.0 onwards give us a facility called command which return the fields as you have specified in the command query.
To do this go to the database expert and select add command...
Thursday, August 3, 2006
Displaying Multiple record in a Row in ASP.NET:
Sometimes we need to display multiple records in arow. For example we need to display image details andimage for a image viewer application.For that we could not use datagrid. Because it cannotdisplay more than one record in a row.The Asp.NET 1.1 and 2.0 provides other called datalist.Which provides this functionality very easily.It contains two properties called 'RepeatColumns'and 'Repeat Direction'.'Repeat...
Tuesday, August 1, 2006
Use Component Class in Business Logic Class in C# or VB.NET:
You can get many advantage using a component class insteadof simple class.Following are the some basic advantage that you can get usingcomponent class.- It implements System.Component namespace- You can drag and drop any existing data access component.Soyou have to right less code.- You can drag and drop stored procedure and other sql serverobject and .NET IDE will create sqlcommand and adapter andcommand...
Insert NUll in value datatype like int,float in C#
Some times we need to make some data type to null. Likein some cases like stored procedure in database.We can do it in C# very easily. by just putting ?sign in'the definition like below:int? a;that's it! you have created a value data type with nulldatabase. If you don't supply a value to the int a thenit will remain null.You can use this for any value data type like short,single,double,long,decimal...