Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Refactor tool in visual studio 2005

Re factor tool in the visual studio 2005Visual studion provides great tool for modifying or make it simple. The Refactor toolprovides great functionality like changing parameters sequence or rename parameters,record parameters,extract methods.All this things can be done within the minutes. For c# go to in your code rightclick and you can choose one of option that you want to do with your code.Refractor...

Custom Membership and Role Provider In ASP.NET

Put this into web.config file for removing default connection string<connectionStrings><remove name="LocalSqlServer"/><add name="xyzConnectionString"connectionString="Data Source=vsdotnet;Initial Catalog=xyz;User Id=sa;Password=sa;"providerName="System.Data.SqlClient"/></connectionStrings>Put this in web.config file for membership providers.<membership><providers><remove...
Tuesday, July 4, 2006

Ajax,Microsoft, Atlas Proejct,ASP.NET

AJAX = Asynchronous JavaScript And XMLThis name has made boom in web application development.Every days it is getting more and more popular.Ajax is a not a new language or standard but it is a simply a technique to use existing standard and development technology in to better way for creating better,Faster and more interactive and reach user interface web applications like desktop application.It technique...
Saturday, July 1, 2006

what is serialization -deserialization

Serialization is the process of storing class object into the some otherstate may be a file or file or something like else.Object Serialization is the process of reducing the objects instance intoa format that can either be stored to disk or transported over a Network.Later time the Object will changed into its original state with there server process of deserialization.Microsoft.NET support both...

how to add web servicein C# application

You can easily add web service to the application by add reference in C#In the solution explorer right click the project and click add reference and select add web reference thentype the URL of the web service that you would like to add to the web applicationfor example: http://localhost/Service1/Service1.asmx now you just need to refer this service like this:localhost.HelloWebServiceinC MyService...

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