Thursday, June 29, 2006

how to exeute stored procedure with partmeter in 1.1(

Following are the stored procedure that will get transaction data from database and fill it in to the sql adapter and data set. it has four parameter. SqlAdpt=new SqlDataAdapter("sp_getTransactionData",this.Con); SqlAdpt.SelectCommand.CommandType= System.Data. CommandType.StoredProcedure; SqlAdpt.SelectCommand.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@boid",System.Data.SqlDbType.NVarChar,16) ); SqlAdpt.SelectCommand.Parameters["@boid"].Value= boid.Trim().ToString(); SqlAdpt.SelectCommand.Parameters.Add(new...

Microsoft.NET interview question

Here are list of some cool site from which you can found the Microsoft.NET Interview Question 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7)
Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Learn Visual Studio.NET 2005 with express edition

You can learn Microsoft.NET with the express edition sql server 2005 database and visual studio Ide expression edition. It is free and available for the down load. It provide almost functionality as professional IDE. To download SQL Server 2005 Express Edition: To download VB.NET 2005 Express Edition: To...

Bill Gets -Retired

Micorsoft Co-Founder and Chairman bill gates announced that he retired from his day to day role and and his position from Microsoft till 2008 and will concentrate his charity work Bill and Melinda Foundation His Role in software company will be slowly step down day by day.After Bill Gates Steve Blamer takes charge of the Microsoft. Following was his announcement: “Our business and technical leadership...

General Error Class for ASP.NET

#Region "NameSpace"Imports System#End RegionNamespace Abc.ErrorPublic Class CustomError#Region "Declartion"Private Shared _errorno As IntegerPrivate Shared _errorname As IntegerPrivate Shared _errordescription As StringPrivate Shared _errorsource As String#End Region #Region "Properties"Public Shared Property ErroNo() As IntegerGetErroNo = _errornoEnd GetSet(ByVal Value As Integer)_errorno = ValueEnd...
Tuesday, June 27, 2006

How to disable right click in Ms WebBrowser Control of VB/C#.NET 2005

I have researched a lot about disabling the right click in web browser control for C# and VB.NET 2005 lot but i have found a simple solution. It has a property called IsWebBrowserContextMenuEnabled just set it to False. It will disable the right click in web browser control. Isn't that easy. Stay tuned for more!!...

ASP.NET 2.0- How to Videos

ASP.NET How to videos are great tutorial for learning from basics of It is easily understandable and Very rich Explanation with practical example is there.. There are 11 video there containing different topics. Such as 1) Data Handling 2) Master Pages and site navigation 3) Full Feature customer login portal 4) Building Contact Us Page 5) Web Parts and Personalization 6) Caching (Part...

Whats new in ASP.NET 2.0 Part 3

This will be my third post about what's new in 2.0. Data Controls: Data access the can be done without writing any code in 2.0.It can be easily done by new back support providers.The new controls like sqldatasource and oledbdatasource provide great functionality to manipulate data without the writing the code. Expression Builders:ASP.NET 2.0 provide the great facility and new syntax...

Developing 3-Tier application Using ASP.NET

Any one can develop 3-Tier application in ASP.NET very easily.It contains 3-tier each one is separate from the each other. I 1) Data Tier: Data Tier contains database and database related code and logic Such as Methods,Queries,Stored Procedure and Classes for the Database Connectivity and Database Operation. It is the foundation of any data centric web application. 2) Business Tier: In this tier...

What's new in ASP.NET 2.0 Part -2

This will be another post of my 2.0 series. Login Controls:Login controls provide basic functionality for login and authentication of the site. It provides basic UI such as login panel,create user forms,staus of user. This control uses built in functionality role and member services of ASP.NET 2.0 Web Parts:Web part is exciting new controls with rich content and drag and drop functionality.End...
Monday, June 26, 2006

What's new in ASP.NET 2.0-Part 1

Since It's First Release ASP.NET is a powerful web development plate from for creating high performance powerful websites and web services. With the release of the ASP.NET 2.0, Microsoft has improved it web development platform from foundation via several new and exiting features in the areas of developer productivity,fast development,project management,security and performance. Let's look several...
Share: the snap of search results

Today, I have found a new site called the which is a great site with the Ajax features. It is search engine that will also provide the snap of search result site. I think this is one of most interesting things that I have found and I think it's worth to share this with you. When you search some thing. And place a mouse on search result it will display a snap of the that site...

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